MiTAC Gym will take care of your health and save you time and money spent on other gyms.

Aerobics/Yoga Room
They say, “The day you start Yoga is the day you stop aging.”
We add, “To relax is to release your negative energy in your body, mind, and soul.”

Social Clubs
MiTAC supports employees to freely form diversified dynamic and static social clubs so that employees can relax and communicate with colleagues after getting off work!

Company Restaurant
Brightly-lit dining space with huge menu choice and comfortable seating.

Healthy Grocery Shopping
MiTAC offers great shopping choices for organic groceries, frozen foods and everyday necessities, saves you time from having to find a parking spot before entering a supermarket.

Recruitment Policy
MiTAC complies with various labor laws and the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA). Furthermore, we do not hire child laborers under the age of 15, and we do not tolerate forced labor or permit underage employees to engage in high-risk work.
MiTAC strives to employ local people and those who are physically and mentally impaired as the first priority. The criteria for selection shall be the capacity of the people in performing the required duties. There is no discrimination against gender, religion, race, nationality, age, or political affiliation. The employment policy of MiTAC explicitly states that all applicants and employees be fairly treated in recruitment, employment, development, evaluation, reward, and remuneration.