Daycare Center for Children
Bring your child to work. No worries. No stress.

Life/Work Coach
Diverse 24-hour consultancy with specialists . Consider all your problems fixed.

Maternity Service
Nursery room for mothers and designated parking for pregnant women.

Body and Mind Care
Comprehensive care for your general wellbeing

Recruitment Policy
MiTAC complies with various labor laws and the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA). Furthermore, we do not hire child laborers under the age of 15, and we do not tolerate forced labor or permit underage employees to engage in high-risk work.
MiTAC strives to employ local people and those who are physically and mentally impaired as the first priority. The criteria for selection shall be the capacity of the people in performing the required duties. There is no discrimination against gender, religion, race, nationality, age, or political affiliation. The employment policy of MiTAC explicitly states that all applicants and employees be fairly treated in recruitment, employment, development, evaluation, reward, and remuneration.